Monday, August 26, 2013

Self Directed Learning is making its way into therapy.

Through my on going research conducted under School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, I have come to discover that self directed learning is becoming very popular not only in education, learning and development; it is now also being effectively utilized in psychotherapeutic interventions as well.

Here is a link to an interesting article which provides more info on Self Directed Treatment:

The self directed treatment which is described in the above article, is geared more towards mild or moderate mental health issues. In self directed treatment, the client or patient is given assignments to complete at home during their own time. These interventions have proven to be equally or sometimes even more effective than purely therapist controlled sessions.

In the UK, patients with mild to moderate mental health issues, may be given a prescription to read self help psychology books which can be obtained from local libraries, instead of taking prescription medication. This unique programme is called: Books on prescription. Here is a link to site which provides more info on this subject:

For people outside of the UK, you could research your area and find yourself suitable books to read through your local libraries As you will come to notice, the two web sites which are highlighted in this article, have incorporated self directed learning elements within them. New ideas can sometimes be modifications or improvements upon existing ideas. The books on prescription programme is based in part upon bibliotherapy.

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