Monday, September 28, 2015

ATO consulting DOT COM - E-based, boutique HR learning and development firm.

I have to admit that I have had a creative block for a while now. I believe I have now removed this block. I will explain why this block is pertinent to this post. I had known several years ago that my consulting, coaching and training work would be in the areas of learning and development. However, I just recently discovered through my research that learning and development would fall under the human resources umbrella. Human resources covers quite a few areas. With my new found realization,  I can now have more of a focused view of what my work is geared towards.

Here is a definition of Human Resources.

The personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities. 


Here is a definition of boutique consulting firms.

This type of consulting firm typically focuses on a particular niche or a small number of niches.


Words, definitions, descriptions etc, mean a lot to me and to the work I do. I draw energy from these things and I use this energy for the highest good. I have spotted a gap in the market for unique HR learning and development solutions. I am now filling this gap. I will elaborate down below:

I will be offering the following services as listed in the following bullet points.

  • ATO consulting DOT COM will offer its services and solutions online via the internet
  • I will include Remote Influencing, Self Directed Learning - SDL, Unschooling, DIY elements, the Distance Learning model, Self-Help, Life Long Learning, Informal Learning and other elements as deemed necessary ( I connect and reconnect these areas with each other )
  • My digital download products and support services related to these products
  • Consult with the client/s to help impart research, consulting, coaching, teaching and training skills unto them so as to facilitate them in becoming their own problem solvers

I can work with clients across the globe. My business model is geared toward this end. Clients will not need to drive to me and I will not need to drive to them. It saves on travelling expenses and time for both parties. 

In regard to human resources, I can also work with clients that are between jobs or who are unemployed. This way, I can help develop the client/s so that they can find work in an organization which is best suited for them, in order to attain the goal of becoming valuable assets to the companies they work for.

My learning and development solutions will help to develop powerful people of the future from today and it will do so cost-effectively and efficiently. The solutions I am offering are: School of The Remote Influencer - SOTRI, and The Remote Influencer Training Program/me - TRITP. Remote Influencing (RI) is a form of personal development, self-help. These disciplines cover vast areas. 

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